Monday, October 5, 2009

One Last Update...

It was about eight months ago when this website was first created simply for Christina to be able to easily communicate with all of her loved ones both near and far.  The comments that came from family and friends ranging from California to the East Coast, Costa Rica, and of course Sweden, meant so much to her.  I wish everyone could have seen the her face beaming with that unforgettable smile while we read each message out loud to her. 

I often think back to when we would sit down together to post her blogs.  My mom, Natalie, and I watched as she fleshed out her thoughts with ease, happy to offer a glimpse of her internal monologue to anyone willing to listen.  And I must say, as enjoyable as it was, it was always a challenge keeping up with her rapid stream of consciousness with my fairly average typing skills.  It's a good thing she had me read every blog back to her before we posted any of them to make sure my transcriptions were correct :)

It’s clear to me now more than ever that her positive outlook on life and undoubted faith in the genuineness of people is rare and unforgettable.  Her character and strength have made a more of an impact on me and most people that came to know her than she will ever know. For that alone, I truly believe she was a blessing to us all.

Christina passed away this past Sunday morning, around 12:30am.  As she probably would have wanted, she left us being surrounded by her family, with either Paul, Patrick or Alex holding her hand every second of the way.   

Services will be held this coming Monday, October 12 at Sacred Heart Chapel in Ventura. 

Also, this website will remain active for the time being for anyone to use as a way to offer any condolences to the family or to share loving thoughts about Christina.  



Sunday, April 26, 2009

Contact problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You probly thought I had disappeared because I'm not keeping up the contact. Well, time goes so fast and I have different people coming out and in all the time, and that makes time go so fast. Right now Natalie and Vanessa is here and visit, and I feel so good when they are here, I'm so lucky that they are in my life. On wednesday my brother and his daughter is coming to stay for a week, I can't wait.
Okay, my flu has gone away so come everybody to visit me. I have to admit I become little weak after that flu, if a can put my runningshoes on and go for a couple of run I get stronger.


Thursday, March 26, 2009



Sorry I havent been writing because a problem with my eye, after a lazer surgery now I can keep an Eye on you. Iam so grateful for when I get mail I need to know what is going on in your life. I have a visitor almost every day, I love it. I feel so much better now since the chemo is out of my body. I have actually gain 5 pound, so it is time for me to go on a diet. I need to cut down the icecreme, but the problem is that Vanessa came today to visit and brought icecreme I felt so happy. So in a minute I forgot about my diet, but I think I start on monday. So if anybody have plans over the weekend to visit dont forget to bring icecreme.


Thursday, March 12, 2009



It's about time that you hear something from me. I've been very busy with visitors. My weekends and weekdays are full of people coming by. On top of that, I also have hospice coming in so I rarely have time to take a good, long nap!

Marsha continues bringing breakfast for me from Ihop. So I sit here at 8:00am in the morning eating pancakes with tons of butter and syrup in bed. Jamie stops by several times a week to take my dog out. It's a wonderful benefit to have someone come by to take the dog out other than me.

Yesterday my old friend Jim, who used to take me treatments in 1998, came by. We still have contact and it's wonderful. Patty came Saturday afternoon and showed me all the wonderful pictures from her trip. It was such a joy to see the pictures with flowers everywhere, houses build of teak, and all the carvings inside the house. It was incredible, I want to go there.

Today my niece Vanessa came to visit. It's so wonderful that she comes to visit me. I just love her to death.

I have to say it again. I am so lucky to have wonderful friends and family coming to visit me. Its almost like I enjoy this time. I get calls from all over the place from people constantly.

I feel better. The chemo has left my body so I feel a little bit stronger which is good. Thank you again for everybody being there for me. It's such a wonderful feeling.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's A Girl!!!

8 pounds, 2 ounces and twenty inches long! Taylor Alexandra Christina Joyce was born Saturday, February 28th at 12:06 p.m. Now I am a grandmother of 2 beautiful children. Soon my son will be up here with my new granddaughter.

Today Bonnie was here and took me for a wonderful walk in the wheelchair. I got to breathe fresh air and then we came back to the house and Bernie and Natalie were here. We just finished an absolutely wonderful dinner with chicken, mashed potatoes and apple sauce. It was delicious. This morning my friend Jamie took Missy for exercise. She does it all the time. I am so grateful. Tomorrow John and Eileen are coming to visit. I just want to say thank you to everyone that responds. It makes me feel so special.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday afternoon

This morning my friend Marsha came over with a big bag from IHOP with eggs, pancakes, butter and syrup and we had a delicious breakfast. How nice to still be able to eat IHOP breakfast at home. She brings that for me almost every week and it is such a nice benefit... and I eat more.
My friend Jamie was over today making me a delicious lunch. She took Missy for a walk while I had my shower; she is wonderful to have around.
There is nothing like having friends hanging around and just have a comfort zone where you can talk about anything.
It is already Friday and because I have all these friends stopping by the week goes by so much faster. I love reading the comments from everyone, I read them all and I am going to try to keep up with this site once I get the hang of it.
Tomorrow I look forward to seeing Joe and Nancy, I have known them since I came to the US, 30 years of friend ship so I will have fun hanging out with them and have a wonderful time. Sunday is still open if anyone want to come up!

Monday, February 16, 2009

From Christina -

Hi everybody,

I am so overwhelmed by all the responses because in the beginning I didn't think people were in such a big need of knowing what's going on. But now I feel like I need to communicate instead of hiding secrets and I will try to make a comment everyday.

At first I had such a tough time admitting that I am in this position. But now that I see how much everyone cares about me I feel great. So now that I know that everyone is out there I will keep in contact.

By having all my family and friends visiting, my days go by much faster. It makes me forget where I actually am and it makes me feel happy inside. The visits make me feel good b/c I know that you care. I want to say thank you because of how much you care. All these visits mean so much to me because I know that I can be the person I am and talk about things in life - such as feelings, tastes, my thoughts, etc.

Please know that I keep track of all the comments...and the ones that aren't good I delete ;)

Time for me to sleep now. Until next time...

